Monday, October 12, 2015

Extra Credit Prompt #5

Think of a story that might begin or end with one of these sentences: (Your story must be at least 3/4 of a page long.)
  1. Low battery. Exactly the two words I didn’t want to see right now..
  2. “Have you seen this?”
  3. Rain turned the narrow path into a steam of mud and dead leaves.
  4. Going on this vacation had been a mistake.
  5. “What do you mean, you’re out of lemons?”
  6. A day at the mall. I’d agreed to spend a day at the mall. An hour was my usual limit.
  7. “No. You unwrap your present first.”
  8. I yanked out my ear buds. That noise had to be a scream.
  9. Margot always ate her vegetables first.
  10. Mondays never go well.
  11. How can someone get lost twice in one day?
  12. Typical Michael.
This extra credit s due by the end of the school day on Monday, October 19.

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