Monday, September 28, 2015

Extra Credit #3

Teen Conversation Starters, I'm cutting these out and putting them in a bowl for dinner conversation. Makes a nice dinner devotional, too.:
Please write at least 3/4 of a page in response to one of these prompts.  Your response is due by the end of the school day on Monday, October 5, 2015.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Extra Credit Prompt #2

1) These are really funny. 2) I really like how it looks with the different fonts, colors, and graphics. Also, I like how each rectangle is separated but it's not the same all the way through.:

Please choose one of the following topics and write at least 3/4 of a page.  This assignment is due by the end of the school day on September 28, 2015.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

2015-2016 School Year: Extra Credit Prompt #1

Please create 5 original statements following the format:

It is not______________until____________________________.

Please use the picture below as inspiration.
This assignment is due by the end of the school day on September 21, 2015.

If you love shoes as much as we do, you know that fall isn't just about the changing colors of leaves and colder's about breaking out your boots and getting to wear all the styles you love!: